The U.S. is Not OK


Read Time: 4 Minutes

This weekend the U.S. saw its first attempted assassination of a presidential candidate in 43 years.

Thankfully, the bullet missed its intended target by a fraction of an inch.

Only time will tell how America moves forward from this.

But I know a little bit about how we got here.

I remember when the Affordable Care Act was pushed through thanks to a Democratic Supermajority- a term that means they controlled the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House.

I expressed some concern to a peer who taught Political Science.

This was legislation that literally transformed healthcare in the United States, and it was done without a single vote of approval from the other side of the aisle (meaning the Republicans).

The Political Science professor laughed.

“Oh, this is politics as normal. It will all be forgotten in 2 years.’

Well, in actuality, things have snowballed from there.

The Left and the Right have not only gotten further apart…

But they have grown more combative as well.

Less likely to listen.

More quick to insult.

The language has continued to escalate in recent years.

To the point where, just last week, the President called for his opponent to be put in a bull’s-eye.

To be clear, nobody is suggesting that he wanted to be taken literally.

But, here we are, with an attempted assassination days later.

And any hope that the rhetoric would calm down was quickly dashed as many on the Right were quick to express their anger and put blame on the Left.

So, where do we go from here?

I, for one, hope that our chaotic election season is not going to scare anyone away from becoming an international student.

Because, I’m convinced, you are a big part of our healing.

As I’ve said many times before, international students are a big part of keeping the American Dream alive.

I don’t hear high school students talking about the American Dream, or fresh college graduates, or even my peers.

I hear international students talk about the American Dream.

And about the freedoms and opportunities this country provides them.

And that type of perspective is exactly what America needs right now.

In fact, I said as much on LinkedIn this morning.

I believe it to my core.

As much as someone in their home country might think that they need to go to the United States to achieve their dreams.

The United States needs you to help us heal our wounds, refocus on what’s important, and learn to tolerate our differences so we can move forward together.

So cheers to you international students who are already here.

And to those who haven’t taken that leap of faith yet…

We need you.

If there’s any way I can help, let me know.

God Bless America.
