It's Your Turn


My wife and I went to see a movie this past weekend.

I let her pick. She chose Poor Things because she likes Emma Stone.

As we walked into the theater the door guy said ‘Buckle up, it’s a wild ride.’

He. Was. NOT. Joking.

Approximately 2.5 hours later I was walking out of our screening room and there were workers with tablets asking if we’d be willing to take a survey on our experience.

Truth be told, I’m not usually a survey type of guy.

But in this case I said yes, mainly because I was so confused about what I just watched that I thought a survey might be a good way to figure out if I liked it or hated it.

Yeah, it was that kind of a movie.

It also got me thinking, it’s been a while since I’ve offered the community survey to hear from my audience about what they like, what they would like to see more or less of, and if there’s anything I haven’t talked about that people would be interested in.

So you can tell me what you like, what you would like to see more or less of, and if there’s anything I haven’t talked about that you would be interested in.

As always, you can DM me if you have a question, suggestion, etc.

Or, if you’d like to play detective and see if you can figure out what I have coming down the pipe, here’s the link to the survey again. There are some pretty strong hints in there.

The survey is only six (6!) questions.

None of them require essay answers (I promise).

But I would love to hear from you if you can spare 2 minutes. It helps me engage with y’all in a way that ensures you’re getting the value you signed up for.

And, in case you were wondering, the survey I took over the weekend did, in fact, help me clarify my feelings about Poor Things.

I think it just might be a masterpiece.

But no I would most certainly NOT recommend it to family & friends.

So when I left the theater I made sure to walk over to the door man and tell him he was right- ‘a wild ride’ was the perfect way to describe it.

My community survey, on the other hand, is quick & straightforward.

Thanks for helping to make this newsletter an even better place for you and your peers.


(No that rhyme was not intention, but I kinda like it so I’m leaving it.)
