Termination, No Representation


Read Time: 2 Minutes

I recently spoke with a student from India.

She had studied with a school in the Midwest for a year, had a medical issue, and dropped below a full course load.

The school terminated her record, as they were required to do by the regulations.

What they weren't required to do was ignore her afterwards.

But that's exactly what happened. 

The DSOs told her that, since she wasn't a student there any longer, they couldn't give her any guidance.

Now look, I understand that many school staff are stretched thin, and they need to prioritize certain matters.

But abandoning an international student in their time of greatest need is just wrong. Period.

I'm glad she found me.

We talked through her situation, what steps she's already taken, and created a to-do list for her to get back into the U.S. and back in F-1 status.

That's what Ask A DSO is here for.

To help when nobody else will.

To run into the messy situations that others try to stay away from.

To guide international students on their REAL goals, not just the superficial stuff. 

If this resonates with you, schedule a free call with me.

Maybe we'll be able to solve your issue during our 20-30 minutes together. 

And if you need support that's a bit more on-going, we can do that too.

Because it's my mission to help international students live their American Dream.

Yes, even when the situation is messy. Even when nobody else wants to help. ESPECIALLY when nobody else wants to help.

Because if there's one thing that's true about Americans...

It's that the only thing we love more than an underdog story, is a good comeback story.

And let's start writing the next chapter of yours.

The chapter where you…

Live Your American Dream
