The Pursuit


Read Time: 3 Minutes

I remember very vividly sitting in my parked car…

Staring out into the rain…

And wondering what the hell I was doing.

I was giving my all to get Ask A DSO off the ground. I had no business background, and I had invested all this money into software and advertisements that weren’t working.

So, in one of my few quiet moments, I stared outside my car and allowed myself to wonder if the payout was worth it.

And then I got moving again.

I didn’t have to have an answer for those questions at the time, I just knew that the answer wasn’t to quit.

So I kept going.

And some time later, I don’t remember how long, I felt better about things again.

But here’s the important part- I was still working when I had my doubts.

Whether that actively helped me feel better, I don’t know, but I know for certain it made things easier for them I did feel good, because now I had all this stuff done that I wouldn’t have otherwise.

So maybe, then you’re having your own ‘stare into the void’ moments, consider just not quitting.

And keep going.

And that’s how you win.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen international students get to live their dreams because they were able to just keep going through the challenging periods.

People who had their visa application denied, regrouped, and passed their next visa interview.

People who were down to their last dollar and somehow found a way to pay for the next semester’s tuition so they could maintain status.

There was one particular student who finally got her H1B work visa after seven years of entering the selection lottery.

International students who come to the U.S. and chase these dreams are the very personification of the opening of the U.S. Declaration of Independence (Happy late 4th of July btw).

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

The pursuit.

It’s not going to be easy. In fact, if your goal is worth doing, it will almost certainly be extremely difficult.

But here in the U.S. we value the PURSUIT of happiness.

So wherever you are in your international student journey, I want to encourage you today to keep going.

If you need a little help along the way, I can help.

If you have questions that you’d like to be covered in a future newsletter, reply and let me know.

I’m in your corner.

And it’s my mission to help you…

Live Your American Dream.
