Make a Decision


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Today I joined a gym for the first time in 9 or 10 years.

I grew up in gyms.

I’ll spare you the details, suffice to say that growing up playing American football imprints weightlifting into your DNA.

Now, as you can imagine, people join gyms for a lot of different reasons, but mainly due to health benefits or to improve their physical appearance.

So you can imagine the sales guy’s reaction when he asked me why I was interested in joining and my answer was:

I need a place to lift weights.

OK, he said, so is there a goal with that you’re working towards?

Honestly, no. I have 4 kids and 3 jobs, I just need a place where I can lift weights a few times a week.

And that was that.

He finished the tour and we sat down to talk numbers. And I left that day a new member of the gym.

My wife was surprised, to say the least, when I got home and told her.

She thought it was sudden.

But really it wasn’t.

I had been saying for months that I needed to find a gym.

I did several internet searched for gyms in my area, and that place kept popping up as a dependable and affordable option.

So yes, it was sudden that I walked in and left with a membership in less than 20 minutes.

But this decision had been months in the making.

Today I just finally took action on it.

Over and over in my life, I’ve noticed similar patterns.

I would need something, talk about it for months (or longer), then once I actually got started it was solved, usually that same day. Sometimes that first hour.

That’s why action threshold has been such an important step concept for me these last few months.

Action threshold basically means the amount of resources (time, information, etc.) needed in order to make a decision and start moving forward.

I’ve waited years to do things that took me hours once I actually fully dove in.

Think about that for a second.

Years delay for a job that took hours.

I want to be clear here- a BIG decision like getting married, leaving your home country to study in the U.S., etc., should take time.


Sooner or later, you need to take action.

So now the question becomes this:

What massive action do YOU need to take in your own life?

Maybe it’s asking for that promotion.

Or applying for graduate school.

Or building your website.

Whatever it is, hit ‘reply’ and let me know so we can support each other!

Because my goal is to see each and every one of you…

Live Your American Dream.


P.S. If you’ve been paying attention you’ve noticed that down here is where I usually list the different ways I can help current & prospective international students. Well, those are changing soon, and in a BIG way. More information coming soon, so stay tuned…