Live Your American Dream


Read Time: 3 Minutes

The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety.

The opposite of addiction is community.

I heard this from a friend who was a member of a 12-step program, and it’s stuck with me ever since.

He was explaining why 12-step programs are so successful, but really he could have been talking about almost anything.

For example, if someone wants to lost weight, they usually start by signing up for a gym.

They could have worked out at home, changed their diet, cut out sugary drinks, etc.

But inherently we know that if we want to make a major change, we need to get in a community of people who are already living it.

Because, let’s be honest, in a way our brains are addicted to the lifestyle that we’ve created for ourselves up to that point.

Addicted to the routine.

Addicted to the easy choices.

Addicted to a predictable outcome.

Our brains are wired to keep us safe.

But what if we don’t want safe?

What if we want an adventure?

Well, then we need to take massive action and put ourselves in a new environment where we’re able to create new routines that get us closer to our goals.

And judging by the fact that you signed up for my newsletter, that tells me that there’s at least some part of you that craves adventure.

Specifically, a life that involves coming to the U.S.

Hopefully, these weekly emails have helped give you some insights into what that process entails, what to expect, how to prepare, etc.

But if you’re looking to take this to the next level…

To really start getting serious about studying in the States…

Or even if you’re here and looking for even more guidance than I’ve delivered so far…

Then it’s my honor to introduce you to The American Dream Society.

The American Dream Society is the world’s first DSO-led community specifically for international students.

In here I share practical training modules, hold weekly calls where I answer all your questions, and give access to an exclusive community of fellow international students going through the exact same challenges and successes that you are.

And to show my appreciation for you spending some of your precious time with me every week…

I’m offering this community for a special Pioneer Rate of only $9/month.

You get access to everything I mentioned, plus the opportunity to make requests and recommendations for how to make the community even better for the next cohort who join.

All while locking in the special price of $9/month, forever.

Now, the price of this community won’t be $9/month forever for everyone, but for those of you in my newsletter audience…

Who’ve been with me for so long already…

And who’ve given me invaluable insights into the issues that resonate the most with you…

It will be. Forever.

Or, I should say, for as long as you decide- you can cancel anytime :)

(I’d miss you though.)

I hope to see you inside.

So I can continue to fulfill my promise to help you…

Live Your American Dream.
