Just In Time


Read Time: 2 Minutes

We see it in movies all the time.

The hero dives out of the building right as it explodes.

The team scores the winning points right as the clock hits zero.

The man who confesses his love right as the woman is getting on the train.

Whew, we say.

Just in time.

We LOVE when things happen just in time.

Just in time to give us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it.

Because, let’s face it, the opposite is lame.

Nobody cares about getting what they need AFTER they needed it.

Movies play with us on this too.

The woman is heading to the train, the man is running to make it on time. Then, just as the woman steps off the platform, the man bursts through the gates…

To see an empty station. The train left 10 minutes ago. His love is gone.

And quite frankly, this happens all too often in our education system.

Students get their instructor’s feedback after they already turned in the major assignment. The feedback would have helped them produce a much better paper, but now it’s worthless.

The student who calls his advisor and leaves an urgent voicemail, but doesn’t get a reply until weeks later, after the decision had needed to be made.

It has to stop.

And that’s why I’m here.

I’m a Designated School Official (DSO), and I answer student questions on how to get their student visa, how to acclimate to life in the U.S., how to get work authorization, how to position yourself for a work visa or green card, etc.

And I do it here so you can get that support on YOUR timeframe.

So that you can get whatever you need just in time.

Because remember…

A goal that comes after the buzzer is worthless.

Until next time…

Live Your American Dream
