Home for the Holidays



December is here, and with it the cold weather has come raging in.

Where I live the temperature has dropped all the way down to 15 degreesā€¦ Celsius.

About 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Gotta love California.

But this time of year is known for more than the cold, itā€™s also one of the busiest travel seasons of the entire year.

Whatever you celebrate (or donā€™t celebrate), thereā€™s just something about this time that brings families together. Itā€™s a special thing.

And since everything is just that much harder for international students, their trips home are longer and more expensive than most domestic college students.

So many of them want to squeeze out a couple extra days.

Maybe leave a few days before the end of the semester.

Maybe arrive at the start of the second week of the Spring Semester.

I get it.

I couldnā€™t imagine being away from home as long as international students are. Your group are modern-day pioneers, and I respect you greatly for it.

Itā€™s why Iā€™ve dedicated my career to supporting international students.

And sometimes that means pointing out potential pitfalls along the way.

The truth of the matter right now is that itā€™s an unprecedented time. This is really the first ā€˜post-pandemicā€™ holiday season at the conclusion of the first ā€˜post-pandemicā€™ semester.

All of us enjoyed the regulatory suspensions that USCIS allowed as a part of their COVID flexibilities.

Things like the ability to maintain status while abroad, or remote learning.

But those days are, for better or worse, behind us.

USCIS, SEVP, and CBP have all returned to their pre-pandemic restrictions.

Iā€™ve seen students get burned. Things are serious again.

So without getting too ā€˜doom & gloomā€™, let me just say, please be careful.

If you leave a couple days before your semester ends, thatā€™s likely fine as long as youā€™re able to pass your classes.

If your semester ends on Sunday but your last class is the Tuesday before, then feel free to fly out on Wednesday (for example). Just donā€™t miss any finals! ;

Where it gets a bit more risky is re-entering after your semester starts.

Nobody wants to see your student status put at risk for an extra 3 days at home.

Not even the people that youā€™re going there to visit.

So take care this holiday season, give your loved ones a big hug, but protect yourself and your future also.

(And be sure to get that travel endorsement on your I-20!)

If you have any questions feel free to hit that ā€˜Replyā€ button.

FYI Iā€™ll be back next week then off through the holidays.

Until then,
