Getting a Job in the U.S.


Read Time : 3 Minutes

Over the summer I wrote about 5 ways for international students to get work authorization in the U.S.

I focused on the regulatory permissions for working, e.g. CPT, OPT, on-campus employment, etc.

What I didn’t talk about was how to go about getting a job offer from a U.S. company.

And there’s a very good reason for that.

Because I’m terrible at it.

I have never been very good at writing cover letters, or matching my resume to the job description, or any of the other tips you learn online.

Fortunately, my good friend Kwan Segal IS very good at all of these things and more.

Plus, as a former international student herself, she specializes in helping international students overcome employer objections about their status and get the offer.

I was recently on her podcast where we discussed challenges that international students face, as well as opportunities for schools and companies to better support them.

Over the 2+ years I’ve known Coach Kwan, as her students affectionately call her, she has proven time and again to be an incredible advocate for international student job seekers.

So, if you find yourself in the position of having work authorization, or having the opportunity to add work authorization, but you haven’t quite figured out how to land that U.S. job, check out her website at (pronounced “I-See-A-Way).

And just for the record, she’s not paying me a dime to write this message. In fact, she doesn’t even know I’m doing it.

I just want to help international students get the best resource for whatever situation they’re going through, whether it’s with me or whether it’s someone else whose expertise is in a different thread of the same cloth.

So if you’re looking for help with visa issues or regulatory affairs, consider joining my brand-new community for international students for just $9/month. At least, that’s the price for now, but you can lock it in forever by signing up here.

Or, if you’re looking for proven tips and strategies on how to land that U.S. job, check out

Or, if you’re not sure yet, you can book a free call with me.

Or you can keep reading here, every Tuesday, until you feel that the time is right.

(I just said “or” a lot… well, you definitely have options!)

The only thing I would encourage you to do right now is take a moment to reflect, and if you’re feeling pulled towards one of those options, take a step in that direction.

Because the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

So what step can you make today that will get you closer to…

Live Your American Dream.
