It's Game Time

Don't be like 80% of people

Happy New Year!

I hope you had an amazing weekend celebrating with your loved ones.

I’ve taken some time myself to unplug over the past couple weeks, including a trip to the mountains, and it’s been awesome.

But the holidays are over, the new year is here, and it’s time to get rolling.

Did you know that 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by February?

Shocking, right?

I think this comes down to two main reasons.

#1 - People pick unrealistic goals

Let’s be real, there are some wild resolutions out there. People that are in credit card debt wanting to suddenly become rich. People that haven’t been to a gym in years wanting to suddenly work out 5 days per week. People that don’t read at all wanting to suddenly read one book per month.

The longest-lasting habits start with more attainable and achievable goals, and scale once those become “the normal.”

I’ve lived this. When I was overweight, I tried so many different workouts and diets and all that stuff.

Then, one day, I decided that I was going to do 50 pushups per day.

No more, no less.

For context, I played sports throughout high school and university, and at one point in my life 100 pushups was my warm-up before starting my actual workout.

I don’t say that to brag- my point is that this was a small number for me.

But I did 50. Every. Single. Day.

And this one change led to other positive changes.

I started reaching for an apple instead of a bag of potato chips.

I started walking again at night.

And so on.

Small goals > Small wins > Bigger goals > Bigger wins

#2- People don’t have a proven plan

If someone just handed me a saxophone and told me to learn it, I have no clue how long it would take me to be able to play even the simplest song.

Because I barely know how the instrument works, let alone how to make certain sounds, how my breathing impacts the sounds, etc.

However, if I was given a saxophone AND some lessons that taught me the basics of the instrument, I’d make some crazy fast progress.

So, with that, let’s talk about some of your 2024 goals.

Maybe you’re finally ready to chase that wild dream of coming to the U.S…

Or maybe you’re here already and wondering what comes next…

Do you have what you need to make your goals a reality?

Now, if you can answer that with a strong “HECK YES” and you’re ready to hit the ground running tomorrow, that’s awesome.

I look forward to seeing what you make happen this year.


If you know deep down that having a proven blueprint would be a game-changer for you…

Then I have something that’s perfect for you.

Yes, you. Based on your needs.

If you’re looking to get pointed in the right direction, let’s have a one-on-one chat.

If you need help with a college application, RFE response, or anything along those lines, let me be your resource to remove all doubts and ensure a positive outcome.

If you’re graduating in May and aren’t sure how to continue your time in the U.S. without enrolling in another program, check out The Complete Post-Graduation Masterclass Series.

If you want full-service support, A-Z, on everything F-1 related, I got you covered too.

And to help you get started…

Because you’ve made it this far and that tells me that something in here is speaking to you…

I’m offering an exclusive 50% discount, on everything I’ve just mentioned, with coupon code LIST2024.

But I do have to tell you, since I have big plans for each of these services for later in the year, I’m only making this offer available for a limited time.

In fact, the discount code closes on Monday, January 15th, at 11:59pm.

(And I can’t guarantee that the investment will be the same by the Summer either…)

So, if you’re ready to make 2024 the best year of your life, the year you take ACTION, then NOW is the time to act.

Cheers to making 2024 your best year yet.
