Free Offer Inside!!!


Read Time: 3 minutes

Kids ask the funniest questions.

Are Mickey Mouse and Batman friends?

When I’m 30 can I have a phone?

What if we didn’t have a butt?

(You can thank my 6 year old for that last one)

But my personal favorite is when they ask how long an amount of time is.

6yo: Daddy, how long is 15 minutes.

Me: It’s 15 minutes.

6yo: OK, but how LONG is it?

Like many parents, I’ve taken to explaining time in a way my children can understand.

Me: 15 minutes is 2 episodes of Bluey.

6yo: Ohhhhh. Why didn’t you just say that?

It makes me chuckle, but it’s also a useful way to think about time.

15 minutes isn’t just 15 minutes. Or a quarter of an hour. Or 900 seconds.

It’s how much can be done in 15 minutes?

I’m happy to say, quite a bit actually.

In the last few weeks I’ve started offering free, no obligation 15 minute consultations.

I’ve helped a woman from Bangladesh strategize how to reapply for her student visa.

I’ve helped a woman from China understand her work authorization options.

I’ve helped a man from India plan for his STEM OPT application.

In 15 minutes.

For free.

And now it’s your turn.

You’d be reasonable to be suspicious right about now. To wonder what exactly my angle is.

Well, I’m a big believer in transparency, so I’ll tell you.

I want to help international students.

And I want to build my company, Ask A DSO, so that I can help even more international students.

So I’ll help you, for free, for 15 minutes.

If you need more help after that, we can talk about paid services then.

But if you get everything you need in those 15 minutes, then awesome. I mean it. I won’t be upset at all, I’ll be glad to have been able to help you.

And I’ll ask you to tell your friends about me so they can book a free call too.

Because the more people I talk to, the better I’ll understand what your needs are, then better I can craft an offer that will knock your socks off.

I know international student issues.

I’ve been doing this for 7+ years.

I’m still learning what services are needed that people aren’t getting through their schools.

So you’re helping me by meeting with me.

And I’ll help you with you questions about being an international student.

Everybody wins.

Pretty cool, huh?

Together, we’ll make it possible to…

Live Your American Dream.


P.S. If you know anyone who might be interested in this, you’d be doing me a great favor by forwarding them this newsletter. Or, even better, encourage them to subscribe (also for free!) here: