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  • The Early Bird Gets the (American) Dream

The Early Bird Gets the (American) Dream


My tax lady thought I was an idiot.

“Why would you choose to start your company on December 1st?” she asked me. “Now you have to pay [surprisingly lost list of fees] for operating in the 2022 tax year.”

Basically, she was telling me that the smart move would have been to wait until January 1st before launching Ask A DSO.

But she missed the point.

For many years I fell into the ‘paralysis by analysis’ camp.

I’d overthink every decision, try to predict every scenario, and inevitably get overwhelmed.

This time was going to be different.

I was going to take ACTION.

I wasn’t reckless- I spent about 5 months researching, prepping, applying for my business licenses, etc.

Then, on December 1st, 2022, I launched askadso.com.

And over the last year, I’ve learned and grown and developed more than I could have ever hoped for.

Did I make mistakes along the way?


Many, in fact.

But I learned from each and every one.

Now, as the calendar turns ahead to 2024, I can say with absolute certainty that I’m a better version of myself today than I was a year ago.

And I want that for each and every one of you reading this.

Whatever goals you have for 2024, don’t wait until January 1st like everyone else (who gives up by January 20th).

Start NOW. Whatever that looks like for you.

It could be applying for a new job. Or starting that course on coding. Or getting back into your workout routine.

For some of you, it will be studying in the United States.

Many schools will be closing for the holidays, but you can still take action towards your goal.

Learn about the F-1 visa requirements.

Start researching schools and start applying.

Or, if you’re like me, the action might be to STOP researching and START applying.

If you’re already studying in the U.S., you can start considering what your next steps after graduation may be.

That might involve speaking with your school’s DSO. Or having the brave conversation with your boss about H1B. Or investing in The Complete Post-Graduation Masterclass Series.

This time next year you can be closer to your ideal version of yourself than you are today.

You can be closer to your goals that you are today.

Closer to Living Your American Dream.

But you have to start.

And today is better than 1/1/24.

If my services would help you get there, awesome.

If not, then that’s cool too.

I just hope that you take action NOW. This way, you enter 2024 riding a wave of momentum.

I’ll see you in the new year, but my inbox is open for those action-takers out there that want to get started earlier.

May God bless 2024 for each and every one of you.

Until Then,
