Coming Soon in 2024...

Your dreams, or more of the same?

Hey folks, I’m keeping it short & sweet this week.

In 2023 you either got closer to your dreams, or you didn’t.

(OK, maybe I could use some work on the ‘sweet’ part)

If you put in the work, took the chances, and made progress in the last year, then kudos to you. Genuinely.

Life is hard. As they say, none of us are getting out of this alive, so let’s celebrate the wins when we get them 👏👏👏

And if you didn’t get closer to your dreams, then here’s a chance to start 2024 off with some momentum.

No, I’m not referring to the 50% off discount currently being offered on all my services with coupon code List2024 (but thank you for asking).

I mean that that thing that you’re wondering about, that question that you have or that process that you’re unsure of. Maybe it’s an offer and you don’t know if it’s a scam.

Chances are, I know the answer.

I don’t mean that in a cocky or arrogant way. Really.

I’ve just been around this field a long time and I read a lot. Seriously, A LOT. Like, an unhealthy amount, if that’s such a thing.

So send me that question or scenario about being an international student in the U.S. that you’ve had on your mind.

Maybe you want to know the steps to getting an F-1 visa.

Or tips for interviewing at the embassy.

Or how to apply for OPT.

You’re an action taker. If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t have subscribed and you wouldn’t be reading this.

So start the new year by taking action again and finally get that answer that’s been alluding you. I’ll either reply to your question directly, or I’ll make it the topic of a future newsletter.

I’m serious.

If you didn’t get closer to your goals in 2023, then part of that is probably because you put off taking action.

I know this from experience, so no judgement here.

But it’s a new year.

It can be a new you.

You can start by taking one small step.

Ask the question.

Talk to you soon.


P.S. That coupon code that I not-so-subtly referenced earlier is scheduled to expire on Jan. 15th, aka the day before my next newsletter comes out. So I guess you can say this is the final reminder to get half off any service with coupon code LIST2024.