The Chosen vs. The Choosing


Read Time: 3 Minutes

As I grow older I get more and more annoyed by storylines about ‘the chosen one’- Star Wars, Dune, etc. Stories where someone was destined to be great, and they resist it, but ultimately it’s their ‘destiny.’

The truth, for many of us, is that we have to believe it ourselves first.

There won’t be entire armies of people around us telling us how great we are, how we need to step into what we ‘were made for.’

WE need to be the ones to take those steps.

Often in the absence of encouragement.

Sometimes in direct conflict against the wishes of those close to us.

For me personally, this involved launching a business when my mentor advised against it.

“But you have such a good job

“You’re on this path

Etc., etc.

Even my wife took a long time to get on board.

Her concerns were practical and valid.

“Do we have the money to invest in this"?”

“What if it slows your career growth at your company?”

“Will you be able to handle it if it doesn’t work out?”

My mentor was actively against it. My wife doubted it. My friends were confused by my sudden change in goals.

But the most important person believed. 


So I launched Ask A DSO.

And that’s what you’re reading today.

And some people still don’t understand it.

Some people, well-meaning, recommend that I do something else or try a different path. Some suggest I ‘got enough’ out of this and should ‘go back to the way things were.’

Some people do understand now.

My wife, after many months, is on board. Funnily enough, when I asked her what changed her mind, she said “I could tell that you were going to do it anyways so I might as well start supporting you.”

Now here’s the tough truth.

Both those who agree with me and those who don’t

Neither of their opinions matter.

Because I see YOURS.

I see you reading these messages.

I get the DMs from students with questions.

I see the need for more support for both current international students, and those for whom it’s still a dream.

And I’m here for you.

To answer your questions.

To provide guidance on life as an international student & beyond.

To help you

Live Your American Dream.


P.S. If this resonated with you, and you’re looking for support, hang in there- I have an awesome project that I’ve been working on for the last 8 months and it’s coming soon

If you need help today, I got you covered.