Buying Confidence


Read Time: 3 Minutes

I hired a lady to design a PowerPoint deck for me.

When I got the first draft I was completely caught off guard.

She had moving effects that interacted with each other, sounds that perfectly corresponded with the sections that I was reading, and the PowerPoint even automatically downloaded itself to all of my devices.

Not really.

Instead, what actually caught me off guard was…

How simple it was.

Now, to be fair, I had asked for a classic design.

And actually, the simple design she gave me was great.

What I realized is that the product I bought wasn’t the design.

Instead, what I really bought was her confidence.

Her understanding of shapes and colors and designs gave her the freedom to put together something so simple then have the confidence to leave it alone as ‘yes, this is complete.’

I probably would have probably tried to do too much, stumbled around for hours and hours, and ended up with some mismatched, overstimulating mess.

So, even though I realistically could have implemented everything that she did on the PowerPoint, I most likely wouldn’t have. And I would have done too much and worried too much. And I would have ended up with a product that wasn’t nearly as nice.

I see the same thing with a lot of the international students I work with.

They research and read websites and do everything they possibly can independently.

And they worry.

A lot.

Which is completely understandable.

Many of the issues international students work through have incredibly high stakes.

Like getting a visa.

Or the work authorization they need to afford life in the U.S.

Or piling through mountains of paperwork so they don’t accidentally fall out of status.

And, of course, this potentially life-altering process is something they’ve never seen before.

Fortunately, I have.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of times.

I’ve helped 4,000 international students get student visas…

3,000 get approved for OPT and STEM OPT…

1,400 get approved for H1B (and 200+ more coming up on October 1st)…

And over 400 get approved for green cards.

So while my international student community has training modules, message boards, weekly calls, and more…

What I really offer is the peace of mind that comes from working with someone whose done it successfully.

Over and over and over again.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Let’s jump on a free call, you can bring ALL your questions, and see for yourself how I can help you.

There’s no obligation at all.

If you leave the call knowing the one key piece that you were missing, then awesome. I’ll be glad to have helped.

Because the thing I hate the most is seeing people’s time as an international student be jeopardized by something that could’ve been easily avoided.

So don’t be shy.

And get yourself ready to

Live Your American Dream.
