The Big 4-0

I turned 40 last week.

I’ve been more reflective than normal in the lead-up to my birthday, and I discovered a fewthings along the way:

  1. I’m very blessed to have a lot of people that love me.

    My family, friends (new & old), neighbors, coworkers, etc., you name it and they made me feel very special this past week.

  2. I’m very blessed to get to do what I do for a living.

    I always say that the best thing about my job is that I get to help people from all over the world on a daily basis. Not many jobs can offer that.

  3. I am so, so glad that I took the leap of faith to follow my dreams.

    Look, 40 may be the new 30, but it’s still half of a very good life expectancy. I’m not going to be around forever, and that realization has allowed me to take larger risks and bigger swings than I would have previously.

That’s how came to fruition.

My wife asked me if I wished had started sooner.

Part of me wants to say “heck yes.”

But part of me realizes that I needed some of the experiences I’ve had to be effective as possible.

Maybe you feel the same way about coming to the U.S. to study.

Maybe you wish you had taken that leap 10 years ago.

Or maybe you sit back and think, “Wow, I wasn’t ready to go then.”

But maybe you are now.

Wherever you are on your journey, I’m here to help.

Just hit ‘Reply’ and let me know what’s going on and what kind of support you’re looking for.

And since I know those of you under 40 are curious, I’ll tell you exactly how it feels to be 40:

It feels freaking amazing, because I’m chasing my dreams.

I hope you are too.

If those dreams involve studying in the U.S., you know who to call.

