The American Dream

Why do you talk about the American Dream so much?

It’s a fair question. It certainly isn’t a topic that gets discussed much these days.

In fact, you don’t have to go very far to read or hear about how the American Dream is dead.

I have 4 children, three of whom are in school. None of them are getting taught about the American Dream.

They don’t come home talking about it.

They don’t bring home projects on the topic.

Sure, they’ll have assignments based on their interests or future career goals, but never under the ideal of achieving the American Dream.

So why do I talk about the American Dream so much?

The more familiar you are with Ask A DSO, the more you’ll see it plastered all over our media.

It’s on the back of our business cards.

It’s in the tagline of my LinkedIn page.

It’s the first heading you come across when visiting our website.


Because although it may not be a major topic at my children’s school, or at bars and social clubs, the American Dream is alive and well.

I see it and hear it all the time at my university, where I work with international students.

In fact, I would argue that the American Dream is MOST ALIVE with the international student population.

They come here from all over the world.

They crowd source funding from family members.

One person will venture over, then their sister will come, then their cousin.

They have dreams of getting a U.S. degree, then being sponsored for an H1B work visa.

And of course…

There’s the green card.

International students, and their families, sacrifice so much to come to the U.S. and chase their dreams.

They talk about the American Dream.

A lot.

Because they are living it.

And most of them are living it before they even know it.

The American Declaration of Independence asserts the “inalienable” right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

I see the pursuit of happiness every day.

It’s an amazing thing to be a part of.

It’s why I’m here.

It’s why Ask A DSO is here.

Our goal is to help international students live their American Dream.

Tell us how we can do that here. (It’s only 5 questions)

Until next time,
