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  • The 1 Thing I See in Every International Student

The 1 Thing I See in Every International Student


I’ve worked with over 15,000 international students.

Yeah, fifteen thousand.

These students have come from Africa, Asia, Europe, South America… you name the country, there’s a good chance I’ve worked with students from there.

(Although nobody form Antartica… yet.)

As you can imagine, the diversity among the students I’ve worked with has been off the charts, and not just ethnically. I’m talking about:

Working professionals

Single parents


Professional athletes


Business owners

Government officials

And even a real-life prince.

This is part of the reason I love what I get to do… I get to meet and work with all kinds of different people from all over the world!

But there’s one common thread that I see in every single international student that I’ve worked with.

An openness to step into the unknown.

McCrae & Costa (1987), building off Fisk (1947), would refer to this personality trait as Openness to Experience.

But whether you call it faith, risk tolerance, or any other name, at some point every international student has made the difficult choice to leave their friends, family, and hometown, and travel across the planet to a whole new world.

And that’s what I’m here to help with.

I’ll be sending tips, strategies, and insights from the frontlines of working with international students for the last 7+ years.

All delivered to your inbox every Tuesday. All you need to do is click & read.

But for those of you who want to go deeper…

Stay tuned.

Big stuff coming in 2024.

